
Hiago Rodrigues Reis de Queirós was born in São Paulo, Brazil, 13 October 1989, and since the first steps in their literacy has surprised everyone with his tremendous dedication to the readings considered difficult for a boy of five years. (Kafka, Proust, Balzac, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, José de Alencar, Graciliano Ramos, Rubem Braga, Manuel Bandeira, Mário de Andrade, and many others).

In the first school year receive a Letter of Recognition from the Department of Education of the City of Ponta Grossa, PR, for their high degree of development of reading, with ninety-seven novels read in just one year. All with a brief review. The following two years also receive the same letter, and in the second year: one hundred and four books, and the third year: one hundred and forty-three books between the genres of Romance and Tales of the literature.

In 2000, now living in São Paulo, he begins to sketch his early stories (Arachnida, Estúbal, shattered Love and Eight), and although he had not participated in any literary competition, Hiago started to be taken too early as a promise to literature.

2003 was the year of its debut, even with 13 years of age showed their teachers, a Romance of just over 100 pages (Sneezing Blood), who narrated the manner in which it was totally disapprove, the subject further, which was considered "inappropriate for such a young age." This book was forgotten, and instead of front to discourage repetition of their masters, Hiago began writing another novel, this, in a more morally approvable subject (A Letter To John) which, by challenging the belief and religion of mother and grandmother of the author, who asked him not to show the work for publication, was also barred.

So the couple had just Hiago drain for stories, concluding in 2004 a collection which drew: Stories About Their ... everybody knows what effect that has brought them a little, some traces of its distinctive style of today so scornful of the tragedy, with the eight stories: The festival, where a passenger shows his return from work to home, and account making metaphors and puns as if everything there was a party ... (With the dance of the brakes this boat fedidorenta the mixture of perfumes expensive, in several installments, without interest, with the sweat obtained daily ... and also interest free, no tears, no correction for inflation ... so many lipsticks, many eyes dauby of mascara ... only to serve and serve from there ...), showing a critical means to end to be among the mass, but criticizing it while defending it, this was the provocative Hiago is forming .

The provocative literature was only winning a training in 2005, when the novel: The Ashes of the Phoenix was completed, and the mark of this work was the game between Onyx and Luíz, where the first and second hero is the villain, but only in the context , as in history, Onix shows up as the villain who killed for revenge of his brother Luiz, leaving him as a victim, and that in revenge, Onix RENOUNCES to life itself, putting itself in the gun sights of Luiz, which is the end of the day his brother-in-law and brother of Talita, this girl who has just killed his own brother to save Onix ... The evidence in the intrigue that characterizes Hiago RR de Queirós is that no good guy hero, and not the evil villain, all are victims of the tragedy that involves, they are all victims of the writer.

2006 was the year of the novel: Hotel of human misery, the fourth book of poems: What 114Prosas Versa ... and sometimes rhyme, and, on March 20 issued a manifesto Realtragista, for soon after, in April, complete Realtragista theory that conceptualize how an art based on the tragedy, but try with this, by the receiver of this art a reflection of their way to exist.

The Ashes of the Phoenix, The End of the poet, the three errors, and a link, all are still a Hiago being literary training, but the traces that would be merged into look into Eclipse, already in 2008, with Hiago completing five years of literature without any encouragement or support from friends or relatives, he also completed on the day of your anniversary of 18 years: 900 Orthodox, the Collection 111, 112, 113, 114 and 115 Prose What Versa ... and sometimes rhyme, as well as in the following months: the poetry books: hit of Internal Auditors and Silence, adding more than a thousand poems in early 2009.

Hiago Reis Rodrigues de Queirós is undoubtedly 'the writer' of the new Brazilian literature, which is the apex of a triangle between the scholarly and popular, including USA for all resources and all the literature to explain a previously composed new literature ... which introduces the new knowledge of the simple way comical, and also simplifies and even the simple Zomba with erudition exaggerated ... says this is to bring art to the people, not isolate it, leaving to write for an elite intellectual sophistication, and now for all.

It is a young writer, but a teacher and developer of new writers, a copy writer and defender of collective literature, which argues in his column: The Making Literature, the largest site for writers of Brazil '' literature made by a friend, a union of writers to exchange ideas and concepts on various topics within the subject matter of the lyrics.

Administers the pioneer site: The writer, who meet in one point on the internet all matters involving the literature and all the tips, advice, stories and texts that can help a writer to acquire literary baggage.

Hiago is a leader writer, organizes the community of poets and poet: Poesistas, which publishes a monthly book, revealing new talents of poetry.

It is the youngest member of the Brazilian Union of Writers, and also the youngest Consul of Poetas del Mundo.